Online Fraction Calculator, provides online calculation of fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and the calculation result can be reduced to the simplest fraction.
    Online arccos calculator, inverse cosine function calculator, can calculate angle from arccos(x) value.
    Online JPG image compression, image compressor, provide free image compression tools, local image compression tools, efficient compression of pictures, protect the privacy of compressed pictures.
    Online PPI calculator, online screen pixel density query, can calculate the number of pixels per inch in the screen, also known as pixel density unit, the higher the PPI value, the clearer the picture.
    QR code generator provides a free and easy-to-use online QR code generator that can generate QR codes for general content such as text and URLs, which is convenient for scanning the QR code to identify the content.
    Online affine cipher encoder and decoder, obtains the cipher text through a simple unary equation calculation on the encrypted letters, which is similar to the Caesar cipher principle, but has a higher strength than the Caesar cipher.
    Caesar cipher, as one of the oldest symmetric encryption systems, encodes and decodes text by moving letters by a certain number of digits. When encoding, all letters in the plain text move a fixed number backward (or forward) on the alphabet and then rep
    Online Morse code translator, Morse code translation, can translate English letters into Morse password, or Morse code into English letters.
    Online file MD5 calculation, you can calculate the file MD5 value without uploading files, quickly and easily verify whether the file has been modified.
    The online UTF-8 encoding converter can convert text into UTF8 encoding, and also convert UTF encoded characters into English, letters, etc., which are not the unicode Chinese character code points converted by most tools.
    Online adler32 checksum algorithm verification tool can be used for adler32 daily coding algorithm verification, often used in ZooKeeper, ZIP encoding.
    The IP address converter can convert IP address, IP hex, IP binary, and IP decimal online.
    Online XOR calculation tools and BCC check calculation tools are usually used in network transmission to verify the correctness of data to ensure the accuracy of data transmission.
    LRC check calculator, also known as longitudinal redundancy check calculator, is a common error code check tool in the communication field, which can be used for LRC algorithm check of Modbus protocol ASCII mode.
    Online checksum verification, online calculation tool, 8-bit accumulation checksum tool, can be used for accumulation and checksum algorithm verification
    The online 24 solver tool provides make 24, 24 games online, 24 solver, and 24 games on mobile phones; it can play 24 points online, and it can also help offline 24 point games to calculate and verify 24 point results.
    Online random number generator, which can randomly generate random numbers within a specified range, and can be applied to scenes such as two-color balls, lotteries, games, etc.
    Online QR code scanning and reader, providing free online QR code scanning and QR code identification tools, you can identify the QR code content by selecting the local QR code picture.
    Online Pomodoro Timer, the management tool of Pomodoro Technique, can achieve similar functions of Pomodoro APP and Tick Pomodoro clock, and can realize sound and animation reminders.
    Online Bacon cipher encoding and decoding tool, Bacon cipher translator, can easily use Bacon's cipher algorithm to perform online plaintext encoding and ciphertext decoding.
    Playfair cipher encoding and decoding tool, providing online Playfair decoding, Playfair encoding, and Playfair converters to quickly encrypt, decrypt, and verify Playfair cipher.
    The Virginia cipher (also translated as the Vergenal cipher) is an encryption method based on the Caesar cipher. It uses a series of Caesar ciphers to form an encryption algorithm for the cipher alphabet. It is a simple form of multi-table ciphers.
    Online English case conversion, letter case conversion, automatic uppercase to lowercase, lowercase to uppercase, and uppercase conversion for the first letter, support for case conversion of English, alphabets, and Pinyin
    Week is a unit of time, seven days is a week, and a year is about 52 weeks. This tool can quickly calculate today's week of the year, week of the quarter, and week of the month.

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    JS online code compression tool, which can compress code size, delete code comments, and remove code spaces for JS and JavaScript code online, reducing JS download time.
    An online Password strength detector can detect the density strength online and give the estimated time when the password may be cracked.
    The online full-width and half-width converter supports converting full-width symbols to half-width symbols and half-width symbols to full-width symbols, which can be used for full-text conversion of full-width and half-width in content.
    Online Cos function calculator, cosine function calculator, can calculate the cosine function value of an angle through Cos(X).
    Online mean calculator that calculates the algorithmic mean value, min, max, calculation and value of a set of data.
    Online arcsin calculator, arc sine function calculator, can calculate angle from arcsin(x) value.
    Online arctan calculator, arc tangent function calculator, can calculate the angle through arctan(x) value, arc tangent function value calculation.
    Online Fraction Calculator, provides online calculation of fraction addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and the calculation result can be reduced to the simplest fraction.
    The advanced version of the online fraction calculator provides online calculation of true fractions, false fractions, addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with fractions. The calculation results can be reduced to the simplest fractions or
    Online arccos calculator, inverse cosine function calculator, can calculate angle from arccos(x) value.
    The online decomposition prime factor calculation tool can calculate the decomposition prime factor of each composite number, that is, the composite number can be written as the multiplication of these prime factors.
    Online density unit conversion tool, density unit converter, can convert between kilograms/cubic centimeters, grams/cubic decimeters, kilograms/cubic meters and other units.
    Online decimal to octal calculator, octal to decimal converter, decimal and octal conversion tool, simple but can be used in daily learning, calculation, programming verification.
    Online pressure unit conversion, pressure converter, providing common standard atmospheric pressure, Pa, bar, mmHg, pound force/inch 2, kilogram force/cm 2 and other pressure units Convert between.
    Online temperature conversion, temperature converter, can convert between Celsius, Fahrenheit, Kelvin, Rankine, and Réaumur units.
    Online JPG image compression, image compressor, provide free image compression tools, local image compression tools, efficient compression of pictures, protect the privacy of compressed pictures.
    Online PPI calculator, online screen pixel density query, can calculate the number of pixels per inch in the screen, also known as pixel density unit, the higher the PPI value, the clearer the picture.
    QR code generator provides a free and easy-to-use online QR code generator that can generate QR codes for general content such as text and URLs, which is convenient for scanning the QR code to identify the content.
    Triple DES is an online encryption and decryption tool that performs 3 DES encryption through 3 different keys, so as to obtain encryption strength and security higher than DES.
    Online AES encryption and decryption tool, can set AES encryption and decryption key, encryption mode, padding method, offset and other parameters, the encryption strength is higher than DES, 3DES.
    Online Hill password encryption and decryption tool, providing 2x2 matrix Hill password conversion verification.
    Online affine cipher encoder and decoder, obtains the cipher text through a simple unary equation calculation on the encrypted letters, which is similar to the Caesar cipher principle, but has a higher strength than the Caesar cipher.
    Caesar cipher, as one of the oldest symmetric encryption systems, encodes and decodes text by moving letters by a certain number of digits. When encoding, all letters in the plain text move a fixed number backward (or forward) on the alphabet and then rep
    Online Morse code translator, Morse code translation, can translate English letters into Morse password, or Morse code into English letters.