Online encrypt and decrypt tool,like caesar cipher,virginia cipher,morse code.


    Online AES encryption and decryption tool, can set AES encryption and decryption key, encryption mode, padding method, offset and other parameters, the encryption strength is higher than DES, 3DES.
    Online Hill password encryption and decryption tool, providing 2x2 matrix Hill password conversion verification.
    Online file MD5 calculation, you can calculate the file MD5 value without uploading files, quickly and easily verify whether the file has been modified.
    Autokey Cipher solver, provides online Autokey Cipher encoding, decoding, and converter.
    Online Base92 encoding and Base92 decoding tools can perform Base92 encoding and decoding on binary data and arbitrary characters.
    Triple DES is an online encryption and decryption tool that performs 3 DES encryption through 3 different keys, so as to obtain encryption strength and security higher than DES.
    The Virginia cipher (also translated as the Vergenal cipher) is an encryption method based on the Caesar cipher. It uses a series of Caesar ciphers to form an encryption algorithm for the cipher alphabet. It is a simple form of multi-table ciphers.
    Playfair cipher encoding and decoding tool, providing online Playfair decoding, Playfair encoding, and Playfair converters to quickly encrypt, decrypt, and verify Playfair cipher.
    Online affine cipher encoder and decoder, obtains the cipher text through a simple unary equation calculation on the encrypted letters, which is similar to the Caesar cipher principle, but has a higher strength than the Caesar cipher.
    Online Base91 encoding and Base91 decoding tools can perform Base91 encoding and decoding on binary data and arbitrary characters, which is convenient for transmission and storage.
    Porta Cipher encoding and decoding tool provides online Porta cipher encoding, Porta cipher decoding, and Porta Cipher conversion verification.
    Online Etbash cipher converter, using letter substitution for simple encoding and decoding conversion.


    An online Password strength detector can detect the density strength online and give the estimated time when the password may be cracked.
    Triple DES is an online encryption and decryption tool that performs 3 DES encryption through 3 different keys, so as to obtain encryption strength and security higher than DES.
    Online AES encryption and decryption tool, can set AES encryption and decryption key, encryption mode, padding method, offset and other parameters, the encryption strength is higher than DES, 3DES.
    Online Hill password encryption and decryption tool, providing 2x2 matrix Hill password conversion verification.
    Online affine cipher encoder and decoder, obtains the cipher text through a simple unary equation calculation on the encrypted letters, which is similar to the Caesar cipher principle, but has a higher strength than the Caesar cipher.
    Caesar cipher, as one of the oldest symmetric encryption systems, encodes and decodes text by moving letters by a certain number of digits. When encoding, all letters in the plain text move a fixed number backward (or forward) on the alphabet and then rep
    Online Morse code translator, Morse code translation, can translate English letters into Morse password, or Morse code into English letters.
    Online file MD5 calculation, you can calculate the file MD5 value without uploading files, quickly and easily verify whether the file has been modified.
    Online Base92 encoding and Base92 decoding tools can perform Base92 encoding and decoding on binary data and arbitrary characters.
    Online Base91 encoding and Base91 decoding tools can perform Base91 encoding and decoding on binary data and arbitrary characters, which is convenient for transmission and storage.
    Porta Cipher encoding and decoding tool provides online Porta cipher encoding, Porta cipher decoding, and Porta Cipher conversion verification.
    Online Etbash cipher converter, using letter substitution for simple encoding and decoding conversion.
    Online Beaufort Chiper Solver, Beaufort Code Encoding, Beaufort Code Decoding Tools.
    Autokey Cipher solver, provides online Autokey Cipher encoding, decoding, and converter.
    Online Bacon cipher encoding and decoding tool, Bacon cipher translator, can easily use Bacon's cipher algorithm to perform online plaintext encoding and ciphertext decoding.
    Playfair cipher encoding and decoding tool, providing online Playfair decoding, Playfair encoding, and Playfair converters to quickly encrypt, decrypt, and verify Playfair cipher.
    The Virginia cipher (also translated as the Vergenal cipher) is an encryption method based on the Caesar cipher. It uses a series of Caesar ciphers to form an encryption algorithm for the cipher alphabet. It is a simple form of multi-table ciphers.