Encrypt/Decrypt > 

Online Morse Code Translator

Online Morse code translator, Morse code translation, can translate English letters into Morse password, or Morse code into English letters.

Online Morse Code Translator:

       Morse code, is a signal code that is on and off at different times, through different signal arrangement order to express different English letters, numbers and punctuation marks; The content is translated into Morse code for transmission. After receiving the Morse code, the code is de-translated to obtain the actual content of the communication and achieve the purpose of encrypting the communication content.
       The Morse password translator only translates characters, numbers, and punctuation. It is not case sensitive, and other contents are automatically ignored; when decrypting the Morse password, Morse passwords separated by spaces and "/" can be accepted. Other characters are also accepted. Ignore automatically.

The Morse Code Table:


character code character code character code character code
A .━ B ━ ... C ━ .━ . D ━ ..
E F ..━ . G ━ ━ . H ....
I .. J .━ ━ ━ K ━ .━ L .━ ..
M ━ ━ N ━ . O ━ ━ ━ P .━ ━ .
Q ━ ━ .━ R .━ . S ... T
U ..━ V ...━ W .━ ━ X ━ ..━
Y ━ .━ ━ Z ━ ━ ..        


character code character code character code character code
0 ━ ━ ━ ━ ━ 1 .━ ━ ━ ━ 2 ..━ ━ ━ 3 ...━ ━
4 ....━ 5 ..... 6 ━ .... 7 ━ ━ ...
8 ━ ━ ━ .. 9 ━ ━ ━ ━ .        


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